domingo, 25 de abril de 2010


Córdoba Córdoba is city of Andalucía. There are monumet: Medina Azahara, Roman Brige, Synagogue, Maimónite statue... Important monumets is Mosque of Córdoba.There are 328.428 inhabitanst. The Mayor of Córdoba is Andres Ocaña.

Mosque of Córdoba
The Mosque is Cathedral of Córdoba. In the on there are meny colums big and arch. Nex to the Mosque there are the
Jewry and the flowers square. The jewry there are meny shop and house of art.

Medina Azahara

Medina Azahara is an old city muslim it is ruins. There are a museum. In the ruins there are: gardens, ponds and archs.

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