jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010


Córdoba is in the north of Andalucía and in the south of Spain.

It's the Cultural Town for 2016.

There are a lots of monuments:the sinagogue, the judería streets, the Flores square, the roman bridge, the Calahorra....

-The Synagogue is very old.

The Synagogue is in the Juderia Street. In the Juderia Street there is a Mamónides statue.

-In the Juderia street there is also a square. The name of the square is:

The flores square.

In the flore square you can see lot of flowes.

-The roman bidge is opposite the Calahorra tower and on the Guadalquivir river.It's very big. It's very very old.

-The Mosque is now the cathedral of Córdoba. It was built by Abderramán I, Abderramán II, Abderramán III and Alhakén II.

There are a lots of columns. They are differents, red, black, white, brown.. and they are 850 columns.

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